Friday, October 31, 2008

Cool Ref!

Hey Guys!

You should all watch the video above! You know how we're trying to get a whole imagination-reality thing for our film? Well this video does it, and well. So watch it!

Let me know if this helped or not, sure did for me.


Fraeya said...

hey D,
that was actually awesome. I think watching the transition really helped me visualize the end of our film. And the thing on the stair is kindof like what we're going to do with perspective

Ashley Jin Kim said...

I was watching this.. and i felt that finally there was an example we could use! this film dragged on a bit at one point and kinda lost my attention. Lets hope we don't do that with our scenes. I know they were trying to use anticipation well, but we'll have to becareful with timing our scenes